We've voted '“ now let's sort out the mess

David Cameron announcing his resignation in Downing Street last Friday watched by wife SamanthaDavid Cameron announcing his resignation in Downing Street last Friday watched by wife Samantha
David Cameron announcing his resignation in Downing Street last Friday watched by wife Samantha
The EU referendum has brought the British people together and strengthened the nation. I am so excited to see what will happen and how we will continue to work together for the better.

Everyone appears to be incredibly optimistic about the future...

If only this were the truth.

Last Friday’s result has instead turned people nasty.

The level of abuse, hatred and disappointment people have been posting on the internet is exhausting to read.

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Those who voted Remain are furious with those who backed the Leave camp.

The majority of young people have been left bitter with the older generation because of the difference in opinion.

In fact, the EU referendum has divided the British people right down the middle. And, so far, it doesn’t appear to have brought many together to strengthen the nation.

We are all left in the dark about what will happen next.

David Cameron quits his job as prime minister. Jeremy Corbyn changes what appears to be his whole shadow cabinet, but nobody knows what they will do.

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As soon as the decision for Britain to leave the EU was announced the value of the pound plummeted even though it did pick itself back up – slightly.

I did vote, although I was torn on the matter. I didn’t know whether I’d vote to remain or leave until a couple hours before I went to the polling station.

But that doesn’t matter. What does matter is, regardless of the outcome, we should remain optimistic about the future of this nation.

We have had months of scaremongering and now it is time to get stuck in and sort out what the majority have asked for – to get out of the EU.

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Many officials have announced ‘out means out’ so I guess there’s no turning back.

Together we need to be optimistic for the future of the UK – regardless of how much you agree or disagree with the result.

How can you expect us to move on when there are people continually pulling each decision down.

Let’s not look back on where we are today 20, 30, even 40 years from now with disappointment.

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We should look back to this day with a positive mindset thinking the outcome was in the common interest and what people thought was best.

The nation may have decided we are better out and not safer and stronger in. So we need to be sure to be better together as people of Britain aspiring for a safe and strong future.