Portsmouth student says she is afraid to go out at night after phone is grabbed and she is propositioned – and friends had fireworks thrown at them

A Portsmouth student has spoken about her fears while out at night in the city.
Picture Ian Hargreaves (161279-13)A Portsmouth student has spoken about her fears while out at night in the city.
Picture Ian Hargreaves (161279-13)
A Portsmouth student has spoken about her fears while out at night in the city. Picture Ian Hargreaves (161279-13)
A STUDENT has spoken out about her fears at night when out in Portsmouth.

In an interview with BBC Radio 4, the female student, named only as Aisha, spoke about having her phone taken from her and having her hand grabbed while being propositioned by strangers.

Aisha said she was left ‘shaken’ after being confronted by a man whilst waiting for a bus after the Freshers Ball.

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‘It was around 6am and I went to check the timetable to get the bus home,’ she said. ‘A man approached me and took my phone out of my hand and started to put his number into my phone. While doing so he said “you’re just my type”.’

Aisha also described incidents where the proposition became more threatening in nature.

‘I have had my hand grabbed whilst walking home and told “you’re coming home with me”,’ she said.

During the interview, Aisha confirmed that her experience is not in isolation.

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‘I have spoken to other girls who have had similar experiences and it is like that’s just how it is. You kind of brush these things off – you don't take them as seriously as you maybe should,’ she explained.

A Portsmouth student has spoken about her fears while out at night in the city.
Picture Ian Hargreaves (161279-13)A Portsmouth student has spoken about her fears while out at night in the city.
Picture Ian Hargreaves (161279-13)
A Portsmouth student has spoken about her fears while out at night in the city. Picture Ian Hargreaves (161279-13)

Another issue highlighted was concerns over students being attacked with fireworks.

‘I know a number of lads who have had fireworks thrown at them and us girls have also experienced it when walking home,’ said Aisha.

Ultimately these incidents have resulted in Aisha being fearful when out in the city late at night.

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‘I have definitely had moments walking home where I have felt at risk. I now try to make my time walking home as short as possible, but even then I feel I am at high risk,’ she added.

The News contacted Hampshire Constabulary who said they were unable to comment without specific details. They did advise students with concerns to refer to their website relating to how to stay safe and avoid becoming the victims of crime.