10 great resolutions for you and your pet in 2019

Doctor Richard Murphy from The Vet with one of his patientsDoctor Richard Murphy from The Vet with one of his patients
Doctor Richard Murphy from The Vet with one of his patients
Dr Richard Murphy BSC(HONS) BVSC PGCERTSAS MRCVS, a veterinary surgeon from The Vet, North Harbour, Portsmouth, has put together 10 new year resolutions for you and your pet.

1. One of the best things about having a dog is that you have a grateful, happy buddy who loves to keep you company on a walk. Dogs love new smells and exercise, so make a resolution this year to dedicate time for daily walks and bond with your pet whilst you keep yourself fit.

2. The old saying ‘you are what you eat’ is just as important for pets. Buy the best pet food you can afford and focus on good quality protein with all the essential nutrients.

3. Get those pearly whites sparkling. Regular dental check-ups and maintenance is really important to keep tooth decay and gum disease at bay.

4. Have a chat with your vet if your dog doesn’t get along with other dogs. Support your pooch to hang out with other dogs. Being sociable fosters good behaviour and a terrific feelgood vibe.

5. Be mindful how many treats you give as they can really push those daily calories up. There are lots of other ways to show your love with cuddles and praise.

6. The Vet offers free veterinary nurse health checks. Prevention is so much better than cure and a lot cheaper too. Use this time to talk through any worries or concerns.

7. Keep your pet's coat in good condition. Matted fur and hairy, weeping eyes are miserable. See a professional groomer for a good cut and advice how to keep your pet’s skin and hair healthy as well as looking great.

8. Keep paws in check. Pets' nails that are left to grow too long can cause them immense pain when walking. The Vet offers regular nail clips, or ask one of the veterinary nurses to show you how to do it at home yourself.

9. Pets just love being with you! Your time together is precious to them and builds an amazing bond. Simple cuddles and playtime in the park are invaluable.

10. Pick a new experience to do together. Whilst walks are irreplaceable, experiencing something new together is as rewarding for you as much as your pet. A trip to the beach, an agility class, a swim or a first play in the snow are happy times and opportunities for fun photos to cherish.

The Vet provides walk-ins Monday-Friday and appointments seven days a week and specialises in quality care at low prices. This includes a low-price guarantee and free pet taxi service to its new state-of-the-art 5,000sq ft purpose-built clinic.

Call 0239 4217644



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